Re: Pointsec installed laptop P2V failing
Hi Palmen, Is there any way to achieve this P2V... ? Thanks //Parthi
View ArticleRe: Pointsec installed laptop P2V failing
Unfortunately the most important log, the worker one, is missing... Find the logs in %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\logs.Also can you verify that used user is *local*...
View ArticleRe: Pointsec installed laptop P2V failing
HI POCEH, Please find the requested logs attached. but inside the bundle_logs directory no log files present.
View ArticleRe: Pointsec installed laptop P2V failing
The problem is:2014-11-20T16:51:33.538+05:30 [10956 warning 'Default'] Failed to get capacity for \\.\PhysicalDrive0: error opening disk device: The process cannot access the file because it is being...
View ArticleRe: Pointsec installed laptop P2V failing
Hi POCEH, Let me try to findout the way to pause/temp stop the pointsec and try to run the converter. Thanks //Parthi
View ArticleRe: UUID error trying to convert VM
By the way, does "vc" in vc.uuid mean VCenter ?The VM is running inside a standalone vSphere 5.5 host. Before that, it ran inside a standalone ESX 3.5 host. I am now trying to convert it by means of a...
View ArticleRe: UUID error trying to convert VM
Yes. I have been mislead by the log entry "Trying connection to VC server" that it is in a vCenter Server.In this case a workaround would be to manually add a vc.uuid in the .vmx file. The drawback is...
View ArticleRe: Copy split disk VM from Workstation to vCenter
AFAIK there are no split disks on ESX servers.
View Articlelinux support
Hi,I need to virtualize a linux server running SLES 11-SP1 at my work place. I thought that VMware converter could do the job and therefore I downloaded the Open Source VMware vCenter Converter...
View ArticleRe: linux support
Hi Jordi, VMware Converter is not open source. The tarball you have found contains OSS that is used by Converter, not Converter's code.Converter does not need to be installed on the machine to be...
View ArticleRe: UUID error trying to convert VM
Well, in your first reply you warned about that being a potential harmful task. I am no vCenter/vSphere expert (not yet, at least) so I am not going to do that now. That leaves me with the problem of...
View ArticleRe: linux support
Ok, thanks a lot for your comments. I’ll give it a try with the windows version and see what happens.Regards, Jordi
View ArticleRe: UUID error trying to convert VM
Well, I am sorry for the unpleasant experience.Restarting hostd (the management agent) is not such a dangerous thing as it might seem from my post, especially when the host is a standalone one, i.e....
View ArticleRe: UUID error trying to convert VM
OK, I'll give them a look. One last question before closing this thread: you suggested to manually add vc.uuid to the vmx configuration before restarting the management agent. What value should I set...
View ArticleRe: UUID error trying to convert VM
Any valid uuid would do. E.g. copy it from uuid.bios and change some digit in it. Regards
View ArticleRe: Automating Converter Standalone using Converter-cli.exe
Si, Did you ever get this working?
View ArticleBlueOnyx and vConverter
Hello everybody We have 3 BlueOnyx on 5106R version. We want to convert to virtual machines the 3 physical machines.We try to do it using the Vmware vConverter 5.5.3 to convert the 3 powered-on Linux...
View ArticleError v2v a server using Vmware Converter FAILED: Unable to create a VSS...
I have the above when trying to v2v a server to either an ESXi Server or as a Workstation to a HDD. I have plenty of space on the drive being cloned to, has anyone else had this before, can you please...
View ArticleRe: BlueOnyx and vConverter
Hello In addition, i find the log file of vConverter on Win7 (C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Client\Logs)...
View ArticleRe: Error v2v a server using Vmware Converter FAILED: Unable to create a VSS...
The error seems to be related to the source volume(s) rather than to the target disks. What's the source guest OS and what type of partitions/file systems do you use. Can you confirm that the source...
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