Could you provide log bundle to check?
Otherwise if you not use the latest Converter 6.0, try to run GUI 'as administrator' and try again.
Could you provide log bundle to check?
Otherwise if you not use the latest Converter 6.0, try to run GUI 'as administrator' and try again.
Any luck if you try running the converter as an administrator?
Whats the converter version and what's the guest OS version ?
converter is version 6
and guest OS is Suse 8.2
I run the converter as administrator but same error
login the Linux with winscp
the user root that I use for logon seem to have all the rights
I run the converter as administrator but same error
Could you upload log bundle?
Assign an IP to the destination vm with correct subnet DNS and then from Vcenter choose correct VLan,
In my case I was converting Linux 4.x using converter 6.x
let me know if this helps
It is a profile issue of some sort. I had this same issue. I logged in as the local admin account and was able to reinstall the converter. For me the issue started after I uninstalled 5.1, installed 4 to convert a 2000 box, uninstalled 4 then went to install 5.1 again.
I have been unable to install the converter or agent from the 6.0 exe's locally on the machine or from the server. Throws a generic error. but does not leave any install log behind to troubleshoot and nothing helpful in windows event log. Cant not install XP service pack 1,2 or 3 on this system due to software compatibility. I figure I need an older version of the converter that will work with this OS.
Try to use Converter 5.1 if available, however all Windows OS are supported with latest service pack.
Btw install logs are placed in %TMP% folder with names vm*.log
That's the problem. If i install sp1 it breaks the DOS program that this system is supposed to run. Compatibility modes dont work. From the temp folder i did find some logs.
As first you can try to install Converter Agent on destination machine yourself - just run into the vmware-converter-agent.exe, found in installation folder, seems that exact error will be seen then.
I have tried the manual install of the agent on the machine that needs virtualized. Both install methods seem to yield the same result.
I understand that agent is not installed but what the message is from direct installation? (because the other is run in silent mode)
When trying to use the VMware-Converter-Agent.exe that i pulled from a successful install from a 2008 R2 server. The install process yields the same install results as VMware-converter-en-6.0.0-2716716.exe which is what the screenshot is from. Same message gets generated by both methods. When trying to install the agent from the server across the network, I had issues with the username and password being rejected. Adding the machine to the domain yielded better results. But i still a 1603 error.
What the message is when run the Converter Agent installation on source machine? 1603 is a general message "Fatal error during installation." without details.
Again, If you run the agent installer on the system manually. You get the same general error that the full standalone installer generates.
Hi all,
Somewhat new to the details of VMWare, but have been a user for a while. I have a situation that is perplexing and hoping someone can help.
I have several virtual machines created on Workstation that I am importing into ESXi 6.0. Most of these are working out fine, but there are a few which are trickier. I have the following vm's:
Sys1-5 are linked clones of Master. To further complicate things, Sys1-5 all have multiple snapshot trees that I would like to preserve. So, for example, Sys1 would look like this:
---Sys1a-snap1 -- Sys1a-snap2 -- Sys1a-snap3
---Sys1b-snap1 -- Sys1b-snap2
Is there any way to preserve all of this in the import, or is that just a pipe dream? I am using Standalone Converter, which seems to strip vm's of snapshots when it imports into ESXi. Thanks for any help!
I could not find any backup or virus application on the computer. What I ended up doing was installing Acronis True Home 2011 and using bare metal backup. I tried to Run the VMware 6.0 and 5.5 convert to convert TIB file in to VM but that also did not work out. So, I decided to boot the VM with an Acronis ISO and ran a restore feature. I made sure my VM's virtual hard drive was 25 gb larger than the physical HD on the machine. I was able to restore the Backup on the VM and the PC is working fine.
Thank you for all your assistance.
Happy Holidays!!