Channel: VMware Communities: Message List - Converter Standalone
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Re: vCenter Converter for Linux PC to VMware Workstation

Unable to convert P2V source: Ubuntu 14.04, with VMWare vCenter Coverter Standalone 6.0.0

Re: Windows 10 p2v


Which version of VMware Converter Standalone are you using?
Please check the release notes for this and search the supported Guest OS under the same.
If the required OS is not mentioned, then it is not supported.




Re: vCenter Converter for Linux PC to VMware Workstation


how can I manually convert ?


it there a guide ?



Convert Windows 2000 SP2 From Physical to virtual


Dears All;


can you tell me how i can convert Physical Machine to Virtual Machine the Physical machine is windows 2000 SP2 when i try to convert the error is "There appears to be insufficient space in the specified destination to contain the converted virtual machine"


the logs is:-


Log for VMware Converter Client, pid=1636, version=3.0.3, build=build-89816, option=Release, section=2

[2015-10-11 08:20:16.792 'App' 2132 info] Current working directory: C:\Documents and Settings\pal-primary\Desktop

[2015-10-11 08:20:16.792 'Libs' 2132 info] HOSTINFO: Seeing Intel CPU, numCoresPerCPU 1 numThreadsPerCore 1.

[2015-10-11 08:20:16.792 'Libs' 2132 info] HOSTINFO: This machine has 1 physical CPUS, 1 total cores, and 1 logical CPUs.

[2015-10-11 08:20:16.792 'ThreadPool' 2132 verbose] TaskMax=15, IoMin=1, IoMax=31

[2015-10-11 08:20:16.792 'P2V' 2132 info] [p2vSupport,184] P2V logger created

[2015-10-11 08:20:16.792 'App' 2132 verbose] [,0] Skipping NFC initialization during Sysimgbase_Init!

[2015-10-11 08:20:16.792 'P2V' 2132 info] [p2vSupport,201] Initialize sysimgbase without NFC/SSL.

[2015-10-11 08:20:16.792 'Libs' 2132 info] System libeay32.dll library is older than our library (90709F < 9070AF)

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.526 'App' 2132 info] Vmacore::InitSSL: doVersionCheck = true, handshakeTimeoutUs = 120000000

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.526 'P2V' 2132 info] [p2vSupport,207] SSL context created

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.526 'P2V' 2132 info] [p2vSupport,217] AppInit completed

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.542 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,69] This product Hard Expires: false

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.698 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [jobManager,469] Deserializing the job manager's state

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.714 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [jobManager,577] Deserializing

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.714 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,232] License job init with license file: C:\Documents and Settings\pal-primary\Application Data\VMware\p2vlcns

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.714 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,247] License job Success !



[2015-10-11 08:20:20.776 'P2V' 2088 verbose] [task,339] Transition from None to InProgress requested

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.776 'P2V' 2088 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.776 'P2V' 2088 info] [task,274] Starting execution of a Task

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.776 'P2V' 2088 verbose] [jobDeserializationTask,239] Deserializing the individual jobs from C:\Documents and Settings\pal-primary\Application Data\VMware\p2v30\jobs

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.776 'P2V' 2088 info] [task,276] Task execution completed

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.776 'P2V' 2088 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Success requested

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.776 'P2V' 2088 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.776 'P2V' 2088 verbose] [jobManager,430] Raising deserialization done event (7)

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.776 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,232] License job init with license file: C:\Documents and Settings\pal-primary\Application Data\VMware\p2vlcns

[2015-10-11 08:20:20.792 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,247] License job Success !



[2015-10-11 08:21:05.575 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,232] License job init with license file: C:\Documents and Settings\pal-primary\Application Data\VMware\p2vlcns

[2015-10-11 08:21:05.575 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,247] License job Success !



[2015-10-11 08:21:05.575 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,232] License job init with license file: C:\Documents and Settings\pal-primary\Application Data\VMware\p2vlcns

[2015-10-11 08:21:05.575 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,247] License job Success !



[2015-10-11 08:21:12.340 'P2V' 1252 verbose] [task,339] Transition from None to InProgress requested

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.340 'P2V' 1252 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.340 'P2V' 1252 info] [task,274] Starting execution of a Task

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.356 'ClientConnection' 1252 info] Connecting to \\.\pipe\vmware-ufad-p2v30-vmdb, use SSL: true

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.356 'ClientConnection' 1252 info] Successfully connected to \\.\pipe\vmware-ufad-p2v30-vmdb

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.387 'VmdbSvc' 1252 verbose] Connected to stream: SSL([class Vmacore::System::NamedPipeClientStreamWin32:02F3D680])

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.403 'Libs' 1560 warning] [Vmdb_Unset] Unsetting unknown path: /vmomi/

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.418 'ClientConnection' 1252 info] Making sure that UFAD interface has version vmware-ufad-p2v30-build-89816

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.434 'ClientConnection' 1252 info] UFAD interface version is vmware-ufad-p2v30-build-89816

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.450 'P2V' 1252 info] [task,276] Task execution completed

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.450 'P2V' 1252 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Success requested

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.450 'P2V' 1252 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.465 'P2V' 2132 info] [ufaSession,46] QuerySourceInfo called

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.481 'P2V' 1252 verbose] [task,339] Transition from None to InProgress requested

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.481 'P2V' 1252 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.481 'P2V' 1252 info] [task,274] Starting execution of a Task

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.481 'P2V' 1252 info] [ufaTask,200] Successfully connected to VMImporter

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.512 'App' 1252 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,109] Successfully connected to VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{21}

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.543 'App' 1252 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,817] Start managed object method for task VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{21}

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.543 'App' 1252 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{21}

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.543 'App' 1252 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{21}

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.575 'App' 1560 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{21}

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.575 'App' 1252 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{21}

[2015-10-11 08:21:12.575 'App' 1252 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{21}

[2015-10-11 08:21:14.668 'App' 1560 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{21}

[2015-10-11 08:21:14.668 'App' 1560 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,886] Remote task VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{21} completed

[2015-10-11 08:21:14.668 'App' 1252 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,515] Cleaning up remote task VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{21}

[2015-10-11 08:21:14.700 'App' 1252 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201] Disposing task wrapper for task VmiQuerySourceInfoTask::task{21}

[2015-10-11 08:21:14.747 'P2V' 1252 info] [task,276] Task execution completed

[2015-10-11 08:21:14.747 'P2V' 1252 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Success requested

[2015-10-11 08:21:14.747 'P2V' 1252 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded

[2015-10-11 08:21:17.856 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,232] License job init with license file: C:\Documents and Settings\pal-primary\Application Data\VMware\p2vlcns

[2015-10-11 08:21:17.856 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,247] License job Success !



[2015-10-11 08:21:17.856 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,232] License job init with license file: C:\Documents and Settings\pal-primary\Application Data\VMware\p2vlcns

[2015-10-11 08:21:17.872 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,247] License job Success !



[2015-10-11 08:21:17.872 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,232] License job init with license file: C:\Documents and Settings\pal-primary\Application Data\VMware\p2vlcns

[2015-10-11 08:21:17.872 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,247] License job Success !



[2015-10-11 08:21:17.872 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,232] License job init with license file: C:\Documents and Settings\pal-primary\Application Data\VMware\p2vlcns

[2015-10-11 08:21:17.887 'P2V' 2132 verbose] [p2vLicenseManager,247] License job Success !



[2015-10-11 08:21:43.200 'P2V' 1196 verbose] [task,339] Transition from None to InProgress requested

[2015-10-11 08:21:43.200 'P2V' 1196 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded

[2015-10-11 08:21:43.200 'P2V' 1196 info] [task,274] Starting execution of a Task

[2015-10-11 08:21:43.200 'App' 1196 info] [rpcConnectionWrapper,987] Initializing SSL context

[2015-10-11 08:21:43.435 'Libs' 1196 warning] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: Subject mismatch:  vs

[2015-10-11 08:21:43.435 'Libs' 1196 warning] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: The remote host certificate has these problems:



* The host name used for the connection does not match the subject name on the host certificate



* The host certificate chain is not complete.

[2015-10-11 08:21:43.435 'Libs' 1196 warning] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: Certificate verification is disabled, so connection will proceed despite the error

[2015-10-11 08:21:43.450 'App' 1196 verbose] [vimAPI]Local and remote namespace are the same

[2015-10-11 08:21:43.450 'GetInventory' 1196 info] Connecting to host on port 443 using protocol https



[2015-10-11 08:21:43.466 'Libs' 1196 warning] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: Subject mismatch:  vs

[2015-10-11 08:21:43.466 'Libs' 1196 warning] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: The remote host certificate has these problems:



* The host name used for the connection does not match the subject name on the host certificate



* The host certificate chain is not complete.

[2015-10-11 08:21:43.466 'Libs' 1196 warning] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: Certificate verification is disabled, so connection will proceed despite the error

[2015-10-11 08:21:43.544 'GetInventory' 1196 info] Authenticating user palestine\pal-primary

[2015-10-11 08:22:01.217 'GetInventory' 1196 info] Logged in!

[2015-10-11 08:22:03.935 'P2V' 1196 info] [task,276] Task execution completed

[2015-10-11 08:22:03.935 'P2V' 1196 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Success requested

[2015-10-11 08:22:03.935 'P2V' 1196 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded

[2015-10-11 08:23:44.485 'P2V' 2132 info] [ufaSession,61] GetTargetDiskSize called

[2015-10-11 08:23:44.500 'P2V' 2160 verbose] [task,339] Transition from None to InProgress requested

[2015-10-11 08:23:44.500 'P2V' 2160 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded

[2015-10-11 08:23:44.500 'P2V' 2160 info] [task,274] Starting execution of a Task

[2015-10-11 08:23:44.500 'P2V' 2160 info] [ufaTask,200] Successfully connected to VMImporter

[2015-10-11 08:23:44.547 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,109] Successfully connected to VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{22}

[2015-10-11 08:23:44.579 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,817] Start managed object method for task VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{22}

[2015-10-11 08:23:44.579 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{22}

[2015-10-11 08:23:44.579 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{22}

[2015-10-11 08:23:44.610 'App' 2164 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{22}

[2015-10-11 08:23:44.610 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{22}

[2015-10-11 08:23:44.610 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{22}

[2015-10-11 08:23:45.579 'App' 2164 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{22}

[2015-10-11 08:23:45.579 'App' 2164 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,886] Remote task VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{22} completed

[2015-10-11 08:23:45.579 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,515] Cleaning up remote task VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{22}

[2015-10-11 08:23:45.594 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201] Disposing task wrapper for task VmiGetDiskSizesTask::task{22}

[2015-10-11 08:23:45.625 'P2V' 2160 info] [task,276] Task execution completed

[2015-10-11 08:23:45.625 'P2V' 2160 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Success requested

[2015-10-11 08:23:45.625 'P2V' 2160 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded

[2015-10-11 08:23:47.751 'P2V' 2132 info] [ufaSession,75] CheckDestAvailable called

[2015-10-11 08:23:47.782 'P2V' 2160 verbose] [task,339] Transition from None to InProgress requested

[2015-10-11 08:23:47.782 'P2V' 2160 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded

[2015-10-11 08:23:47.782 'P2V' 2160 info] [task,274] Starting execution of a Task

[2015-10-11 08:23:47.782 'P2V' 2160 info] [ufaTask,200] Successfully connected to VMImporter

[2015-10-11 08:23:47.813 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,109] Successfully connected to VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{23}

[2015-10-11 08:23:47.844 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,817] Start managed object method for task VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{23}

[2015-10-11 08:23:47.844 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{23}

[2015-10-11 08:23:47.922 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{23}

[2015-10-11 08:23:47.969 'App' 952 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{23}

[2015-10-11 08:23:47.969 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{23}

[2015-10-11 08:23:47.969 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{23}

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.235 'App' 1928 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{23}

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.235 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,515] Cleaning up remote task VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{23}

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.235 'App' 1928 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,886] Remote task VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{23} completed

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.267 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201] Disposing task wrapper for task VmiCheckDestAvailableTask::task{23}

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.360 'P2V' 2160 info] [task,276] Task execution completed

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.360 'P2V' 2160 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Success requested

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.360 'P2V' 2160 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.360 'P2V' 2132 info] [ufaSession,92] CheckDestParams called

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.376 'P2V' 2160 verbose] [task,339] Transition from None to InProgress requested

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.376 'P2V' 2160 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.376 'P2V' 2160 info] [task,274] Starting execution of a Task

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.392 'P2V' 2160 info] [ufaTask,200] Successfully connected to VMImporter

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.439 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,109] Successfully connected to VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{24}

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.470 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,817] Start managed object method for task VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{24}

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.470 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{24}

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.470 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{24}

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.517 'App' 1252 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{24}

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.517 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{24}

[2015-10-11 08:24:06.517 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{24}

[2015-10-11 08:24:12.157 'App' 1196 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{24}

[2015-10-11 08:24:12.157 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,515] Cleaning up remote task VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{24}

[2015-10-11 08:24:12.157 'App' 1196 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,886] Remote task VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{24} completed

[2015-10-11 08:24:12.173 'App' 2160 verbose] [imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201] Disposing task wrapper for task VmiCheckDestParamsTask::task{24}

[2015-10-11 08:24:12.251 'P2V' 2160 error] [task,295] Task failed: P2VError IMPORT_DEST_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE()

[2015-10-11 08:24:12.251 'P2V' 2160 verbose] [task,339] Transition from InProgress to Failure requested

[2015-10-11 08:24:12.251 'P2V' 2160 verbose] [task,388] Transition succeeded

Re: Convert Windows 2000 SP2 From Physical to virtual


Does the Converter wizard report the correct source disk size, or does it show a way larger value?



Re: Convert Windows 2000 SP2 From Physical to virtual


the source disk is correct and the size of source disk is 8 GB only


thanks in advance

Re: Windows 10 p2v


If you are going to a job that uses vSphere (ESXi) and you want to learn more about this then you really need to setup a test lab using ESXi and not the free VMware Player or even VMware Workstation, they are completely different. You can download vSphere and use it for 60 days in evaluation without a license. You will probably want to use something like VMware Workstation and build a nested ESXi environment on top of that. If you search the internet you will find instructions for doing this such as http://www.vladan.fr/how-to-setup-nested-vsphere-lab-on-a-pc-by-using-vmware-workstation/


To get the best out of a nested vSphere environment on VMware Workstation then you are going to need plenty of RAM in your PC.


To learn more about the VMware products I suggest you have a look at the VMware Hand-on-Labs VMware Learning Platform


Good luck in your new job and welcome to the VMware community.

Re: Conversion fails with the error:FAILED: An error occurred during the conversion:'root is not found'


Cold clone is no longer supported neither available for download.  Besides it was for Windows only. I mean, you can clone the data of a  Linux machine but you have to reconfigure it manually.

Which is an  option you actually have - do the whole conversion manually. In brief,  these are the steps converter takes to perform a Linux P2V:

  - Create the destination VM. Create a VM with appropriate virtual hardware - disk sizes and controllers, CPU, memory, network.

  - Power on that VM from a live CD. I'd suggest to use the installation CD for the distro you will clone.

  - Create partitions, LVM volumes (if any). Format the volumes.

  - Mount the newly created volumes somewhere on the ramdisk.

  - Clone all data from the source machine. This is done using tar over ssh.

  - Configure the VM (the trickiest part). It basically consists of the following steps:

    - Install GRUB. Some installation CDs offer it from the menu, I hope CentOS does; otherwise - grub-install...

    - Fix modules (in modprobe.conf, modules.conf or whatever  file is used by the distro version). This may not be needed if the  source has already everything necessary, but you would want to check.  Here is a piece of code with list of modules converter uses when patching SLES:

   {"mptscsih", "kernel/drivers/message/fusion", ""},
   {"mptspi", "kernel/drivers/message/fusion", ""},
   {"BusLogic", "kernel/drivers/scsi", ""},
   {"pcnet32", "kernel/drivers/net", ""}

You most probably won't need all of them, as you can see there is both LSI Logic and BusLogic in the list.

    - Create the inird image - e.g. mkinitrd

    - Fix fstab file


Good luck!

Re: Convert Windows 2000 SP2 From Physical to virtual


Unfortunately the Windows 2000 is not supported from Converter version 4 and above.


VMware Converter 4.0 and 5.0 downloads


I only seem to be able to download Converter 5.5.3 or 6.0 from VMware. I have a 2003 SP1 server to convert and, if I am reading the documentation correctly, the latest version to support this is 4.0.


I could install 2003 SP2, meaning that I could use Converter 5.0, but I cannot find either of these converter versions for download. Have they been removed by VMware? If so, suggestions on how to proceed would be appreciated.



Re: VMware Converter 4.0 and 5.0 downloads


Just try with latest Converter, the support of 2003 is not removed


Re: VMware Converter 4.0 and 5.0 downloads


To be a little more specific - SP1 is not officially supported but the code that does the conversion is the same regardless of the SP level.

Re: Converter standalone stalls at 1% due to username/password


RussellArdo  thanks , your comments helped me to find solution

I also have two standart vSwitchs , one for all vmk inderfaces ( for example) and second for VM network (

Host for migration and Converter were placed in  , but  helper vm can get interface only in VM network -

These networks are not crossed in my environment  and the converter was failed by timeout on the stage

Connecting to the Converter helper server on the destination virtual machine.


I temporary added VM network to vSwitch0 (  and the converting process finished successfully.


The document is described how the process  works


Re: VMware Converter 4.0 and 5.0 downloads


Thanks folks. As you said, the latest version appears to have worked despite the compatibility not being confirmed in the guides. Cheers.

Re: Problem converting a physical Ubuntu 14.04 server


I do have the same problem, trying a P2V migration Linux to VMWare.


I have Fusion 8 Pro on my Mac Pro only. How can I use the migration assistant standalone (version 6) to create VMWare files? It keeps asking me for an infrastructure server as destination. How do you specify a file destination?

P2 to V converter question


I'm trying to  convert    a Physical  Pc    and  choosing  as  a destination  my ESX  hot  but it  doesnot  allow me  .


it  only   allows me  if    i  choose  the  Ip from  Vmcenter  Server  and  then  from there  I choose  the  host  . 


Please  see  the   error  Bellow.  thanks.IMG_20151022_204442281.jpg

Can't Upgrade vmware Converter StandAlone to newest version on XP laptop


I am trying to upgrade a 5.5 version of the Converter StandAlone on a XP laptop but it fails with error "Can not stop service ."  I have even tried just uninstalling it, and I get the same error.

Re: P2 to V converter question



any specific reason, u want to use target as direct host, even though Host is managed by VC.

Re: P2 to V  converter  question

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