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Looking for some assistance with P2V using Standalone Converter


I was attempting to create a P2V last night from a VPN'd Windows 8 machine.


All was going well until I got the following error when attempting to set the save to folder on my local machine


Unable to connect to the network share


The client was able to map the drive locally so I know that its not really a permissions issue from the client side but some other connectivity problem.


What obvious setting am I missing here?



Re: Looking for some assistance with P2V using Standalone Converter


I am not sure about your environment. Are you trying to convert the machine on which VMware Converter is installed? If not - then you *have* to specify a network share where the destination VM should be created. This is because the conversion process is actually performed by the agent running on the source server. It should be able to connect to the destination folder and write the data to it.

Re: P2V from Debian 5.03 Lenny


The scsi hdd controller is a BusLogic Parallel, set from wmvare converter by default. I don't know if it's good for GOS.

The network cards are not yet enabled....

In order to check if the virtual disk is good, can i mount it with the vsphere console ?

Re: P2V from Debian 5.03 Lenny


The scsi hdd controller is a BusLogic Parallel, set from wmvare converter by default. I don't know if it's good for GOS.

Check that on the source machine. If it's good, lsmod should list something with 'buslogic'. I would rather expect 'mptbase' / 'mptscsih' which means LSI Logic


In order to check if the virtual disk is good, can i mount it with the vsphere console ?

I don't understand what you mean

Re: Looking for some assistance with P2V using Standalone Converter


No I am trying to convert a remote machine via VPN.


If not - then you *have* to specify a network share where the destination VM should be created. This is because the conversion process is actually performed by the agent running on the source server.


Should the share should be created on the server where the Converter is installed?  I assume this is the case... Can the share be where the converter is installed or does it need to be on another server?


Does the Converter need special permissions to the share?


Is there a user that needs access to the share running as the Converter?


Is there a problem doing this over a VPN?


Sorry for so many questions just trying to avoid the problems I was having when attempting yesterday.


Thanks for any info.

Converter 5.5.3 unable to detect GPT volume on source machine?


Hi guys,


I am attempting to convert a physical Windows Web Server 2008 to a VM running on an ESXi 5.5 host through a VCSA 5.5 vCenter server.


As I go through the wizard and land on the final summary page, I am only seeing the C:\ drive of the source machine when in fact, there is another volume (4TB in size) seen by Windows as the Z:\ drive.


Any idea why the converter is only seeing the C: drive? I read that GPT disks are supported as of v. 5.1 of the converter.


Thanks for any help.

Re: Looking for some assistance with P2V using Standalone Converter



Should the share should be created on the server where the Converter is installed?  I assume this is the case... Can the share be where the converter is installed or does it need to be on another server?

It doesn't matter. However it should be a network share on a machine that is accessible both from the Converter Server machine and the source machine. This implies that if you create the share on the Converter Server machine, you cannot specify it as \\, but have to use the real IP address.

Does the Converter need special permissions to the share?

Both Converter server and source machine users need write permissions to the share. Other than that no special permissions are required.

Is there a user that needs access to the share running as the Converter?

When you specify a network share, you should also provide the username and password for accessing it. Converter Server and Agent (running on the source) use these credentials when accessing the share.

Is there a problem doing this over a VPN?

Well, in the case when vCenter server is involved (either as a source or a destination), the network protocol used for data transfer is sensitive to network latency. It is a gray area, but experiments have shown that if the ping timeout is more than 10 ms then you can expect some issues. However in your case you want to convert a running machine to a file share, so you should not be exposed to this issue. Other than that VPN should not matter, unless some of the required ports for communication are blocked by a firewall (a complete list of required ports between all parties - Server, source and destination share - is available in the User's Guide).


Hope this helps,


Re: Converter 5.5.3 unable to detect GPT volume on source machine?


Converter recognize only physical devices, if your Z: is mapped drive it is not included in conversion.


Re: Parallels PCS server to VMware vSphere


For the record, we did a test of a PCS guest VM.  We restored a guest VM from backup to another PCS host.  I used VMware Converter Standalone 5.1 and successfully imported it into one of our vSphere 5.1 hosts.  We gave it a new IP and brought it up and it seems ok.  We performed the conversion using the 'powered-on machine' as the source type.

Hopefully this info is useful to someone else down the road.

Re: Converter 5.5.3 unable to detect GPT volume on source machine?


This second drive is local to the machine, it is a hardware raid.

Re: Converter 5.5.3 unable to detect GPT volume on source machine?


Could you upload log bundle? Generally RAID is not supported by Converter.

Problem Hyper-v 2008 R2 to Vmware ESXI 5.5


Hi Everyone

we are migrating to Vmware ESXI with HP 3PAR Storage we have some important servers as vms on Microsoft Hyperv 2008 R2 , i downloaded and installed the VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Client on the host Microsoft hyper-v connected to the localmachine as admin and also set the remote esxi credentials everything works fine until it blocks at 33% retried the process several times but with no luck i collected the log , as i understand it's something related to timeout or something maybe someone will clear me on the issue , Many thanks

also one question should i try to install the standalone converter on each hyper v vm or i should install on the host and do the convertion ?

is it possible to do the convertion without powering off the vms ?


thanks in advance

Re: Problem Hyper-v 2008 R2 to Vmware ESXI 5.5


Are you try to convert powered on HyperV machine? It's not possible, only powered off HyperV machine could be converted through "Hyper-V Server" menu.

Otherwise you can convert powered on VMs through 'Powered-on machine' menu.


Re: P2V of Oracle Enterprise Linux Release 4 32 Bit


We made some changes and P2V worked. 1. Installed VMware converter on Local Network 2. Started P2V and Selected supported VM Hardware Version to 4 or 7 3. Provided IP address manually and removed the Data disk for migration. 4. Migration was successful

Re: Problem Hyper-v 2008 R2 to Vmware ESXI 5.5


i powered off the machine and started the conversion and it didnt work ,  now i tried to install the converter on a powered on machine directly and it worked but it's not a big deal if you have many vms to convert then you'll need to install the converter on each machine and do a P2V conversion .

Re: Problem Hyper-v 2008 R2 to Vmware ESXI 5.5


You don't need to install the converter on each machine, only the converter agent, which is installed automatically when it's not detected on destination machine.


Re: Problem Hyper-v 2008 R2 to Vmware ESXI 5.5


ok thanks i'll try the powered on machine since it worked with the first vm

converter error


Section for VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Client, pid=324, version=5.5.3, build=2183569, option=Release

2015-05-10T22:27:34.291+08:00 [01036 info 'Default'] Logging uses fast path: false

2015-05-10T22:27:34.291+08:00 [01036 info 'Default'] Handling bora/lib logs with VmaCore facilities

2015-05-10T22:27:34.291+08:00 [01036 info 'Default'] Initialized channel manager

2015-05-10T22:27:34.291+08:00 [01036 info 'Default'] Current working directory: C:\Documents and Settings\huyan\妗岄潰

2015-05-10T22:27:34.291+08:00 [01036 info 'Default'] ThreadPool windowsStackImmediateCommit = true

2015-05-10T22:27:34.291+08:00 [01036 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread pool on asio: Min Io, Max Io, Min Task, Max Task, Max Concurency: 2, 200, 2, 10, 2147483647

2015-05-10T22:27:34.291+08:00 [01036 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2015-05-10T22:27:34.291+08:00 [01036 info 'Default'] Using locale for help and translations 'zh_CN'.

2015-05-10T22:27:34.291+08:00 [01488 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2015-05-10T22:27:34.291+08:00 [01456 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2015-05-10T22:27:34.291+08:00 [01752 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2015-05-10T22:27:34.291+08:00 [01036 error 'Default'] Unable to load 'zh_CN' translation.

2015-05-10T22:27:34.291+08:00 [00596 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2015-05-10T22:27:34.354+08:00 [01036 info 'Default'] Use GUI font 9 with correction 1.

2015-05-10T22:27:34.432+08:00 [01036 info 'Default'] Vmacore::InitSSL: handshakeTimeoutUs = 20000000

2015-05-10T22:27:34.447+08:00 [01036 info 'ConverterImpl'] Converter session created.

2015-05-10T22:27:34.447+08:00 [01036 verbose 'ConverterSession'] Converter::Client::Gui::Wizard::ConverterSessionImpl::Login - Connecting to local server.

2015-05-10T22:27:34.447+08:00 [00596 info 'BaseServerConnection'] Connecting to server on pipeName \\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap.

--> SSL:false

--> Path:/converter/sdk

--> VMODL version:converter.version.version5


2015-05-10T22:27:34.447+08:00 [00596 info 'BaseServerConnection'] NOT using SSL to connect to VMOMI server \\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap

2015-05-10T22:27:34.447+08:00 [00596 verbose 'HttpConnectionPool-000000'] HttpConnectionPoolImpl created. maxPoolConnections = 20; idleTimeout = 900000000; maxOpenConnections = 20; maxConnectionAge = 0

2015-05-10T22:27:34.447+08:00 [00596 info 'ConverterServerConnPipe'] Getting ServiceInstance contents

2015-05-10T22:27:34.463+08:00 [00596 verbose 'ConverterServerConnPipe'] Yes, we connected to Converter Server.

2015-05-10T22:27:34.463+08:00 [00596 info 'ConverterSession'] Logging in to Converter Server (Using Impersonate).

2015-05-10T22:27:34.463+08:00 [00596 verbose 'HttpConnectionPool-000001'] HttpConnectionPoolImpl created. maxPoolConnections = 1; idleTimeout = 900000000; maxOpenConnections = 1; maxConnectionAge = 0

2015-05-10T22:27:34.494+08:00 [00596 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter Server session established. (Session ID = "05eb7c92-1b9b-393a-c884-709324f13fa9")

2015-05-10T22:27:34.494+08:00 [00596 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter data provider created.

2015-05-10T22:27:34.947+08:00 [01036 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter data provider created.

2015-05-10T22:27:34.963+08:00 [01036 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter data provider created.

2015-05-10T22:27:34.979+08:00 [00404 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2015-05-10T22:27:35.025+08:00 [01036 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter data provider created.

2015-05-10T22:27:35.072+08:00 [01036 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter data provider created.

2015-05-10T22:27:35.135+08:00 [00404 verbose 'ConverterDataProviderImpl'] Converter::Client::Gui::Wizard::ConverterDataProviderImpl::PropertyCollectorThread[1] - (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.UpdateSet) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    version = "1",

-->    filterSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterUpdate) [

-->       (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterUpdate) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          filter = 'vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Filter:session[05eb7c92-1b9b-393a-c884-709324f13fa9]529db710-00e6-6a3a-1e89-acca89895a83',

-->          objectSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectUpdate) [

-->             (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectUpdate) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                kind = "enter",

-->                obj = 'converter.task.TaskManager:TaskManager',

-->                changeSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) [

-->                   (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) {

-->                      dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                      name = "recentTask",

-->                      op = "assign",

-->                      val = (ManagedObjectReference) [],

-->                   }

-->                ],

-->             }

-->          ],

-->       },

-->       (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterUpdate) {

-->          dynamicType = <unset>,

-->          filter = 'vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Filter:session[05eb7c92-1b9b-393a-c884-709324f13fa9]529b0550-c912-6181-a190-da10a58aadaf',

-->          objectSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectUpdate) [

-->             (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectUpdate) {

-->                dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                kind = "enter",

-->                obj = 'converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobHistoryCollector:session[05eb7c92-1b9b-393a-c884-709324f13fa9]5205c9cb-ac7a-b1fc-7ca3-e7e7317498b1',

-->                changeSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) [

-->                   (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) {

-->                      dynamicType = <unset>,

-->                      name = "latestPage",

-->                      op = "assign",

-->                      val = (converter.server.conversion.ConversionJobInfo) [],

-->                   }

-->                ],

-->             }

-->          ],

-->       }

-->    ],

-->    truncated = <unset>,

--> }

2015-05-10T22:27:37.916+08:00 [01036 info 'ConverterImpl'] Converter session duplicated.

2015-05-10T22:27:37.916+08:00 [01456 info 'BaseServerConnection'] Connecting to server on pipeName \\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap.

--> SSL:false

--> Path:/converter/sdk

--> VMODL version:converter.version.version5


2015-05-10T22:27:37.916+08:00 [01456 info 'BaseServerConnection'] NOT using SSL to connect to VMOMI server \\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap

2015-05-10T22:27:37.916+08:00 [01456 info 'ConverterServerConnPipe'] Getting ServiceInstance contents

2015-05-10T22:27:37.916+08:00 [01456 verbose 'ConverterServerConnPipe'] Yes, we connected to Converter Server.

2015-05-10T22:27:37.916+08:00 [01456 info 'ConverterSession'] Logging in to Converter Server (Using Impersonate).

2015-05-10T22:27:37.916+08:00 [01456 verbose 'HttpConnectionPool-000002'] HttpConnectionPoolImpl created. maxPoolConnections = 1; idleTimeout = 900000000; maxOpenConnections = 1; maxConnectionAge = 0

2015-05-10T22:27:37.947+08:00 [01456 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter Server session established. (Session ID = "b32518ad-b05f-2e58-c05c-29a8ba1462dc")

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resmap (03c69198) extKeys (00000000) (

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'hi_IN' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\iso2win.vlcl', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'az_AZ' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\iso2win.vlcl', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'sr_SP' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\iso2win.vlcl', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'az_AZ' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\isodata.vlcl', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'sr_SP' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\isodata.vlcl', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'uz_UZ' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\isodata.vlcl', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] Added locale path C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\ to locale map

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (de) removeable (false) resmap (03c6ba28) extKeys (00000000) (

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resmap (03c69198) extKeys (00000000) (

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (fr) removeable (false) resmap (03c6bfd0) extKeys (00000000) (

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (ja) removeable (false) resmap (03c7a380) extKeys (00000000) (

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (zh_CN) removeable (false) resmap (03c7a4c8) extKeys (00000000) (

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] Added locale path C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\ to locale map

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (de) removeable (false) resmap (03c6ba28) extKeys (00000000) (

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resmap (03c69198) extKeys (00000000) (

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (fr) removeable (false) resmap (03c6bfd0) extKeys (00000000) (

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (ja) removeable (false) resmap (03c7a380) extKeys (00000000) (

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (zh_CN) removeable (false) resmap (03c7a4c8) extKeys (00000000) (

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] Added locale path C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\ to locale map

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] Locale subsystem initialized from C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\ with default locale zh_CN.

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] LoadResources path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (zh_CN) removeable (false) resMap (03c7a4c8) extKeys (00000000)

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] LoadResources path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (zh_CN) removeable (false) resMap (03c7a4c8) extKeys (00000000)

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'LicenseManager.LicenseInfo.vaai.label' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\zh_CN/default.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.416+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'LicenseManager.LicenseInfo.vaai.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\zh_CN/default.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.432+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'com.vmware.vim.license.Feature.vaai.label' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\zh_CN/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.432+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'com.vmware.vim.license.Feature.vaai.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\zh_CN/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.432+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOWNative.label' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\zh_CN/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.432+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOWNative.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\zh_CN/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.432+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOW32.label' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\zh_CN/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.432+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOW32.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\zh_CN/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.432+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOW64.label' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\zh_CN/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.432+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOW64.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\zh_CN/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.432+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.GuestInfo.AppStateType.none.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\zh_CN/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.432+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.GuestInfo.AppStateType.none.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\zh_CN/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.494+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] LoadResources path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resMap (03c69198) extKeys (00000000)

2015-05-10T22:27:38.510+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] LoadResources path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resMap (03c69198) extKeys (00000000)

2015-05-10T22:27:38.510+08:00 [01036 info 'Locale'] LoadResources path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resMap (03c69198) extKeys (00000000)

2015-05-10T22:27:38.510+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'LicenseManager.LicenseInfo.vaai.label' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/default.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.510+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'LicenseManager.LicenseInfo.vaai.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/default.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.510+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'com.vmware.vim.license.Feature.vaai.label' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.510+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'com.vmware.vim.license.Feature.vaai.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.510+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOWNative.label' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.510+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOWNative.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.510+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOW32.label' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.510+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOW32.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.510+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOW64.label' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.510+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOW64.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.510+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.GuestInfo.AppStateType.none.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.510+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.GuestInfo.AppStateType.none.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2015-05-10T22:27:38.604+08:00 [01036 warning 'Locale'] Key 'Internal.Tasks.SingleSpacedList' in module 'task' under 'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/' was previously defined; ignored

2015-05-10T22:27:38.604+08:00 [01036 info 'ConverterImpl'] Converter wizard created.

2015-05-10T22:27:38.619+08:00 [01036 info 'ConverterLogic'] Initializing Converter::Logic::ServiceInstance ...

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection SourceSelect

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection ManagedMachineDataConnection

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection HyperVDataConnection

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection DestinationSelect

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection ManagedDestinationAttributes

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection ManagedDestinationDataConnection

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection DisksAndVolumesPlugin

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionLogger'] Converter::Logic::DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionImpl::LoadFromSpec, _defaultDatastore


2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionLogger'] Converter::Logic::DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionImpl::LoadFromSpec, _sourceStorageInfo


2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionLogger'] Converter::Logic::DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionImpl::LoadFromSpec, _sourceOsInfo


2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionLogger'] Converter::Logic::DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionImpl::LoadFromSpec, _currentCloningModes


2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionLogger'] Converter::Logic::DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionImpl::LoadFromSpec, _currentDiskCreateTypes


2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionLogger'] Converter::Logic::DisksAndVolumesDataConnectionImpl::LoadFromSpec, _defaultDiskCreateType


2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection DevicesPlugin

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection NetworksPlugin

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection ServicesDataConnection

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection GuestOsCust

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection HelperVMNetworkDataConnection

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection ThrottlingPluginDataConnection

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection ComputerInformationDataConnection

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection WindowsLicenseDataConnection

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection TimeZoneDataConnection

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection NIC_CustomizedSettings

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection WorkgroupOrDomainDataConnection

2015-05-10T22:27:38.635+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Created data connection TaskSummaryDataConnection

2015-05-10T22:27:38.650+08:00 [00596 info 'wizardController'] FillPageContents(): currentPage is 0

2015-05-10T22:27:38.650+08:00 [00596 info 'wizardController'] subpages = 1

2015-05-10T22:27:38.650+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] Found data connection SourceSelect

2015-05-10T22:27:38.650+08:00 [00596 info 'wizardController'] parameter>>> DefaultPhysicalSource ( 1 )

2015-05-10T22:27:38.650+08:00 [00596 info 'wizardController'] parameter>>> DefaultRemoteOS ( windowsOs )

2015-05-10T22:27:38.650+08:00 [00596 info 'wizardController'] parameter>>> DefaultSource ( 0 )

2015-05-10T22:27:38.650+08:00 [00596 info 'wizardController'] parameter>>> ShowServer20 ( False )

2015-05-10T22:27:38.650+08:00 [00596 info 'wizardController'] parameter>>> ShowStandalone ( True )

2015-05-10T22:27:38.650+08:00 [00596 info 'wizardController'] parameter>>> ThirdPartyHostedFilter ( <obj xmlns="urn:ConverterLogic" versionId="1.0" xsi:type="ArrayOfConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><ConverterLogicKeyValuePair xsi:type="ConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><key>microsoftVirtualPCVM</key><val xsi:type="xsd:string">Microsoft Virtual PC (*.vmc)</val></ConverterLogicKeyValuePair><ConverterLogicKeyValuePair xsi:type="ConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><key>parallelsVM</key><val xsi:type="xsd:string">Parallels Virtualization Products Image (*.pvs)</val></ConverterLogicKeyValuePair><ConverterLogicKeyValuePair xsi:type="ConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><key>livestateBackup</key><val xsi:type="xsd:string">Symantec LiveState Recovery Image (*.sv2i)</val></ConverterLogicKeyValuePair><ConverterLogicKeyValuePair xsi:type="ConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><key>shadowProtectBackup</key><val xsi:type="xsd:string">StorageCraft ShadowStor Image (*.spf)</val></ConverterLogicKeyValuePair><ConverterLogicKeyValuePair xsi:type="ConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><key>acronisBackup</key><val xsi:type="xsd:string">Acronis True Image Backup (*.tib)</val></ConverterLogicKeyValuePair><ConverterLogicKeyValuePair xsi:type="ConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><key>vmwareVCBBackup</key><val xsi:type="xsd:string">VMware Consolidated Backup (*.vmx)</val></ConverterLogicKeyValuePair></obj> )

2015-05-10T22:27:38.650+08:00 [00596 info 'wizardController'] parameter>>> VMwareHostedFilter ( <obj xmlns="urn:ConverterLogic" versionId="1.0" xsi:type="ArrayOfConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><ConverterLogicKeyValuePair xsi:type="ConverterLogicKeyValuePair"><key>vmwareVM</key><val xsi:type="xsd:string">VMware virtual machine (*.vmx)</val></ConverterLogicKeyValuePair></obj> )

2015-05-10T22:27:38.682+08:00 [00596 info 'wizardController'] FillPage()

2015-05-10T22:27:38.729+08:00 [01036 error 'Default'] SourceSelectPluginModel::BuildFilter 3rd party type microsoftVirtualPCVM not found

2015-05-10T22:27:38.729+08:00 [01036 error 'Default'] SourceSelectPluginModel::BuildFilter 3rd party type parallelsVM not found

2015-05-10T22:27:38.729+08:00 [01036 error 'Default'] SourceSelectPluginModel::BuildFilter 3rd party type vmwareVCBBackup not found

2015-05-10T22:27:38.729+08:00 [01036 error 'Default'] SourceSelectPluginModel::BuildFilter 3rd party type livestateBackup not found

2015-05-10T22:27:38.729+08:00 [01036 error 'Default'] SourceSelectPluginModel::BuildFilter 3rd party type shadowProtectBackup not found

2015-05-10T22:27:38.729+08:00 [01036 error 'Default'] SourceSelectPluginModel::BuildFilter 3rd party type acronisBackup not found

2015-05-10T22:27:38.729+08:00 [01036 error 'Default'] SourceSelectPluginModel::BuildFilter 3rd party type vmwareVM not found

2015-05-10T22:27:38.729+08:00 [01036 error 'Default'] SourceSelectPluginModel::BuildThirdpartyHostedExtVector 3rd party type vmwareVM not found

2015-05-10T22:28:24.447+08:00 [01488 verbose 'HttpConnectionPool-000002'] [RemoveConnection] Connection removed; cnx: <io_obj p:0x03c6029c, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>; pooled: 0

2015-05-10T22:30:45.104+08:00 [01036 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter::Client::Gui::Common::DiagnosticDataProvider::SetLastKnownSource - Setting last known source:

--> (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    location = (converter.ComputerSpec.LiveComputerLocation) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       hostname = "",

-->       port = <unset>,

-->       username = "vcenter\Administrator",

-->       password = (not shown),

-->       osType = "windowsOs",

-->       verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->       sslThumbprint = <unset>,

-->    },

--> }

2015-05-10T22:30:46.135+08:00 [01488 verbose 'Locale'] Default resource used for 'NoRemoteAgent.summary' expected in module 'fault'.

2015-05-10T22:31:08.963+08:00 [00340 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2015-05-10T22:31:11.307+08:00 [01752 verbose 'wizardController'] AgentManagerProxy::InstallAgent: Agent deployment status: 4.

2015-05-10T22:31:11.307+08:00 [01752 verbose 'Locale'] Default resource used for 'IncorrectCredentialsFault.summary' expected in module 'fault'.

2015-05-10T22:34:40.869+08:00 [01752 verbose 'wizardController'] AgentManagerProxy::InstallAgent: Agent deployment status: 4.

2015-05-10T22:34:40.869+08:00 [01752 verbose 'Locale'] Default resource used for 'IncorrectCredentialsFault.summary' expected in module 'fault'.

2015-05-10T22:34:45.807+08:00 [01036 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter::Client::Gui::Common::DiagnosticDataProvider::SetLastKnownSource - Setting last known source:

--> (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    location = (converter.ComputerSpec.LiveComputerLocation) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       hostname = "",

-->       port = <unset>,

-->       username = "vcenter\Administrator",

-->       password = (not shown),

-->       osType = "windowsOs",

-->       verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->       sslThumbprint = <unset>,

-->    },

--> }

2015-05-10T22:34:46.791+08:00 [01488 verbose 'Locale'] Default resource used for 'NoRemoteAgent.summary' expected in module 'fault'.

2015-05-10T22:34:49.619+08:00 [00596 verbose 'wizardController'] AgentManagerProxy::InstallAgent: Agent deployment status: 4.

2015-05-10T22:34:49.619+08:00 [00596 verbose 'Locale'] Default resource used for 'IncorrectCredentialsFault.summary' expected in module 'fault'.

2015-05-10T22:35:12.619+08:00 [01036 info 'ConverterSession'] Converter data provider created.

2015-05-10T22:35:12.619+08:00 [01036 info 'DiagnosticDataProvider'] Converter::Client::Gui::Common::DiagnosticDataProvider::DownloadSourceDiagnosticFile - Using last known source computer spec:

--> (converter.ComputerSpec) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    location = (converter.ComputerSpec.LiveComputerLocation) {

-->       dynamicType = <unset>,

-->       hostname = "",

-->       port = <unset>,

-->       username = "vcenter\Administrator",

-->       password = (not shown),

-->       osType = "windowsOs",

-->       verifyPeer = <unset>,

-->       sslThumbprint = <unset>,

-->    },

--> }

2015-05-10T22:35:18.650+08:00 [01036 info 'DiagnosticDataProvider'] Converter::Client::Gui::Common::DiagnosticDataProvider::DoDownloadDiagnosticFile - Received bundle info (converter.DiagnosticManager.TaskLogBundleInfo) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    key = "server-diag-20150510143512-rxwhky.zip",

-->    timeCreated = "2015-05-10T14:35:12.619625Z",

-->    format = "zip",

-->    content = (converter.DiagnosticManager.BundleContent) [

-->       "serverLogs",

-->       "workerLogs"

-->    ],

-->    size = 5163,

-->    crc = -1496009524,

--> }

2015-05-10T22:35:18.666+08:00 [01036 info 'DiagnosticDataProvider'] Converter::Client::Gui::Common::DiagnosticDataProvider::DoDownloadDiagnosticFile - Deleted bundle on server.

2015-05-10T22:35:21.057+08:00 [01036 verbose 'SysCommandWin32'] Starting process: "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\zip.exe" -q -j -9 "C:\Documents and Settings\huyan\ConverterDiagnostics20150510223510.zip" "C:\Documents and Settings\huyan\Local Settings\Application Data\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Client\Logs\converter-gui-1.log"

Re: converter error


Try to install Converter Agent on source machine manually.


Re: Converter 5.5.3 unable to detect GPT volume on source machine?


I have attached the log bundle. Thanks!

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